Cara Ping Google terus menerus Melalui CMD

Cara Ping Google terus menerus Melalui CMD - Sebelum kita membahas Cara Ping Google, alangkah baiknya kita mengetahui terlebih dahulu apa itu Ping?  kepanjangan dari Ping adalah "Packet Internet Gopher", fungsinya untuk mencoba dan mengetahui koneksi internet kita apakah sudah bisa terhubung dengan baik atau tidak. Untuk dapat melakukan ping diperlukan tools yang namaya CMD (Command Promp) untuk Windows, sedang untuk pengguna sistem operasi Linux dan Mac OS Command Line nya dikenal dengan Terminal. Tujuan dari dari melakukan Ping ke Google ini adalah supaya kita tahu internet sudah konek atau belum dan supaya koneksi internet kita stabil.

Jika anda berfikir ingin melakukan ping antara komputer atau dari server ke client dan anda hanya mempunyai satu komputer saja tidak perlu khawatir anda bisa install software seperti Virtualbox dan VMWare. Sebelum melakukan ping anda harus tahu dulu IP Address komputer yang akan di ping, misalkan kita ingin ping komputer sendri berikut dibawah ini langkahnya :

1. Lewat Control Panel

Buka Control Panel => Network And Internet => Network And Sharing Center => Change Adapter Settings => Pilih jaringan internet yang sedang anda gunakan local atau Wifi lalu klik kanan => Status => Details => Lihat IPV4 Address

2. Lewat CMD

Tekan Shortcut logo windows + R => ketik CMD kemudian Enter => ketik ipconfig => IPV4 Address

Sekarang kita lanjut ke cara Ping Google atau cek koneksi Internet Via CMD

Masuk dulu ke Command line CMD kemudian ketkan IP Address contoh :
1. ping –t ( untuk ping secara terus menerus ) jika ingin menghentikannya tekan saja shortcut ctrl + C.
 2. ping -n 100 ( angka 100 bisa anda ganti sesuai keinginan anda ) jika 1000 maka ping akan berhenti jika sudah mencapai 1000 kali.

Semoga Cara Ping Google terus menerus Melalui CMD ini dapat membantu bagi yang akan cek koneksi internet di komputer.


Inch, a unit of length commonly used in the US, UK, and Canada, is defined as 1/12th of a foot or 2.54 centimeters. The term "inch" is believed to have originated from the Latin word "uncia" meaning "one-twelfth," as it was historically defined as the width of an adult thumb. Today, the inch is widely used in various fields, including construction, engineering, and manufacturing.

Inches are often used to measure small distances, while their conversion to the metric system (cm) makes them more universally applicable. At, we provide a simple and accurate way to convert inches to cm and vice versa. Our user-friendly tools and guides make it easy for everyone to use the inch unit effectively, no matter their industry or background.

In summary, the inch is a widely used unit of length that has evolved over time and continues to play an important role in modern society. At, we strive to provide the best tools and resources to help you easily convert inches to cm and use this important unit to your advantage.


A centimeter is a metric unit of length that is equal to one-hundredth of a meter or 0.3937 inches. It is commonly used in the fields of science, engineering, and medicine, as well as in everyday life.

The term "centimeter" is derived from the Latin word "centum," meaning "one hundred," and "meter," which refers to the base unit of length in the metric system. The centimeter is used in many countries around the world as the standard unit of length.

At, we provide a simple and accurate way to convert inches to cm and vice versa. Our tools and guides make it easy for everyone to use the centimeter unit effectively, no matter their industry or background.

In summary, the centimeter is a widely used metric unit of length that plays a crucial role in various fields. At, we strive to provide the best tools and resources to help you easily convert inches to cm and make the most of this important unit.